Friday, April 22, 2016

Ode To A Species In A Time Of Extinction [Poem for Dan Janzen by Clara B. Jones]

Ode To A Species* In A Time Of Extinction

for Dan Janzen

We are losing ground, Dan said.
And I responded, Yes.
Juan Santamaria's tears are falling on the rainforest
weeping for their loss
almost gone the way of jaguars

legumes and lianas missing their playful leaps
and figs finding another kind to spread their seeds
figs sweeter than mangoes could not prevent their exile
by new conquistadores born in their own country
with villas in Alajuela and partners in Miami and Austin

flying into Corcovado in Cessnas
collecting samples of timber and ore
as I once collected their fragile bodies
destined for museums in Cambridge and Albuquerque
an orange monkey, head crowned grey as soot

stalking them on horseback with campesinos
no longer rulers of Osà
their peninsula fragmented
diurnal omnivore
moving to another landscape

groups growing smaller
grasshoppers and birds' eggs once fed them
prey to eagles' talons
now lost to human predators
whose lives are bound by decades not by years.

*Saimiri oerstedii

Originally published in International Primate Protection League Newsletter, December 2015, vol. 42, #3, p 24.

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