Friday, March 25, 2016

Priorities (#womeninscience) by Clara B. Jones

Priorities (#womeninscience)

“Women have no wilderness in them.” Louise Bogan (1923)

1. She said, “Don't do it.”
Barrenness recommended.
Science is uphill.

I was your student
but her path led upward.
I paid with reason.

You wanted babies
and forthwith tossed a career
to an agreeable postdoc.

2. Having one more child
made me a disappointment
fieldwork compromised.
“How hallowed is your contract?”
“Have you thought about Plan B?”

Few follow the path
that men understand.

3. She liked the idea
Sociobiology abstract and poignant
not child's play to me
a promised Acknowledgment.

A lasting lesson
a scientific method
now cautious of her concepts.

4. No seeming affect,
betraying the grievous loss
to a former friend.
What pleasures did wild jaguars
trade as compensation?

Emotions shaken
intentional life secured.
Work trumps loneliness
another healing anodyne.

5. Don't blame me, young girl
for problems he could not solve
pretending otherwise.

Formulas without proofs
pressed wildflower blossoms
scattered on campus.

6. Unlike Vienna or Provincetown or Big Cove
the flowering legumes of Palo Verde
beckoned bees
lonely travelers
to suck
to taste
to repurpose
until the loopy webs
uncoiled from cutting
civilizing management
to please manicured invasives
hostile to sweat and rain.

The feminization of wilderness
wrought by restless men
wooing a frivolous kind
no longer occupied by children
or other homebound projects.

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